These libraries contain people, characters that you can use as stakeholders in your scenarios.
We may have other libraries available exclusively for clients. Please contact us if a faction is missing that you’d like to use.
📌 If you are looking for employees or customers for a specific company, search in the sector's area.
❔ Don't remember how to add personas?
Available libraries:
Customers personas
You can use them as customers of any company.

Demlex - cyber-attack scenario
Company workers, hacker, social media customers.
Demlex is a car manufacturer company

👥 Download persona library: Demlex.tpp
Earthquake scenario
Civilians, politicians, emergency services employees.

👥 Download persona library: Ventura personas.tpp
Personas you may need in a cyber attack scenario: employees, client, press and hacker.

Celebrity magazines
Celebrity and fashion magazines personas

Social media personas
Celebrity gossip, random people, fan accounts, social media personas.

👥 Download persona library: Celeb Gossip personas.tpp
Eyewitnesses personas
Personas that can be used as random eyewitness people

👥 Download persona library: Eyewitnesses personas.tpp